Voting has never been easier. Follow along below to find the answer to frequently asked questions from voters just like you.
How do I register to vote? You can register to vote online via the Department of Elections citizens portal. Click this link and follow the prompts. Online registration not for you? Then go to the Waynesboro General Registrars office at 501 W. Broad Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980. The office is open weekdays 9 AM to 5 PM. When you arrive you will fill our a registration form. In no time you will receive your voter card in the mail. Don't have time to go to the Registrar's office? No problem, you can download a registration form here => print the form and mail to the registrar's office.
How do I know I am registered to vote? We recommend that you check your registration status 60 days prior to the day you intend to vote. The easiest way is to check your status online at ==> Click on the "Check Registration Status" button and follow the prompts. You can also click on the "Find your polling place" button to ensure you know where to go to vote. Online links not for you? No problem, call the Waynesboro General Registrar at 540-942-6620. The Registrar will work with you to make sure you are registered.
What about voting by mail? You can vote by mail. You simply need to request a ballot from the Waynesboro General Registrar. This is called Absentee and Early Voting. You can apply online to vote by mail here => Click the "Apply to Vote Absentee by Mail" button and follow the prompts. You can also send a paper copy directly to the General Registrar or go in to the Registrars office and complete an application there. Here is the link to the paper copy => When requesting to vote by mail, pay close attention to the form. You will see wording to the effect of, "Do you want to vote by mail for all future elections?" If you elect this option, you will receive an absentee and early voting ballot until you request it be stopped. This is a major security and election integrity issue. We recommend that you not select this option. Finally, when filling out your ballot, a witness signature is required on all mail-in ballots cast. If a ballot is missing a witness signature, the voter will be contacted within three days of receipt by the local voter registration office and asked to correct it. Don't take a chance, ensure you have a witness and a witness signature when you fill out your ballot. Need a witness? Contact us at our email and we will coordinate to have a witness come to your residence.
Other than early by mail, are there other options for voting early in person? Yes, you can vote early at the Waynesboro General Registrars office at 501 W. Broad Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980 beginning 45 days before Election Day and ending the Saturday before Election Day. There are also two Saturday voting opportunities prior to election day. You can find out more about early voting in Waynesboro here => We recommend that you vote early if at all possible. It is just as safe as voting on election day and ensures your vote is tallied early.
Would you like to take part in the election process? There are opportunities to help as an Officer of Election, Poll Watcher, or Poll Worker. Click the link below to send a mail directly to our committee.